The God Life…this Life by Design…this Life God has designed for us…is more than just a bunch of knowledge. It’s more than just labels…and bumper stickers…and nice shiny decals and jewelry. It’s more than just taking certain positions on issues.
It’s about a relationship with Him (See here for how to have one). It’s about God doing something in us and through us. It’s about Him changing us into a person that benefits others (and us and Him). We become different “because” of God…not just “for” Him.
Check out Luke 3:7-14. In this true story, some labeled themselves “God Followers” (today, they might call themselves Christians.)…but had nothing to show for it. There was no evidence. Their lives didn’t show it. They may have “known” something, but they had not “shown” something. They had “right words”…but not “right lives.”
Life is way too short to miss out on this. I encourage you to do a Life Inspection soon. Ask “Is my life showing that I have a relationship with God?” If so, dance! If not, then ask and answer “What must I do to get this right?” (Again, this will help. Especially Law 4.)
Here’s to you and your Life by Design!! Live it to the max!!