Would Someone Please Turn on the Light?

The other day, I was digging through a duffel bag looking for something. What I was looking for was hard to find in the bag. It was dark inside the bag and it was hard to see. So, I grabbed my Iphone…turned on the flashlight….and voila…instantly, I found what I was looking for.

Ahhh…light. That luxury we so often take for granted. It’s value is “priceless.” Yet, we rarely think about what it would be like to not have it. Try finding your way in a room with no windows and the lights off. Trip over something? Or driving your car at night on the back roads with no headlights. There are few quicker ways to find yourself in a ditch.

Light! What would we do without it?

You know, when Jesus walked the earth, He claimed to be “The Light of the world.” (See John 8:12).

What did he mean by this? What are the implications?

If Jesus is the Light, do people without Him live a life of darkness that is unknown to them? Share on X

If you have Jesus in your life, do you know how to “leverage the light” so you can see what He wants you to see? If He is the light, do people without Him live a life of darkness that is unknown to them? Hmmm…worth some reflection!

Careful. Don’t go through life without This light….Fumbling in the dark trying to make sense of life. Find out what Jesus meant when He said this. Find out how to allow Jesus to be Your light? And live in the light…not in the dark. You’ll be glad you did.

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