“Then Annas sent [Jesus], still tied up, to the Chief Priest Caiaphas.” John 18:24 in the Message Bible

I love this verse. It makes me smile.

The religious leaders have Jesus “tied up.” The One Who created the world (Jesus)…the One Who holds all the power (Jesus)…the One Who in His life, showed that He was able to free anyone from their shackles (Jesus)…is all tied up. That’s funny! And what’s even more funny….the religious leaders think they hold the power. At any moment, Jesus (God) could walk free. He could break the chains, instantly annihilate anyone standing there…and walk.

But, He doesn’t. He submits. He “allows” the others to “have their way.” And they are clueless!

Irony of Ironies!!!

How about you? Is there anything in your life “Tying up God”? “Restricting God”? Keeping Him from doing what He wants to do in you and through you? He will “submit” to your wishes….leaving you thinking you’re in charge and you hold the power. He will restrain His power…His blessings…His provision…His activity in your life…if you decide to not allow Him to be God in your life. We see this over and over again in His Word (The Bible).

Inspect your life. Think it through. Allow God to be God in your life. He has designed a great life for you…and you don’t want to miss it.


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