Every new construction job starts with the foundation. Build a good foundation, you have a good start towards a great facility. Build a weak foundation, well….you know the rest of the story.
The same goes for life. Every great life is built on a foundation of timeless and enduring principles. We at Life by Design have a set of principles…or shall we say “Truths”…that serve as a foundation for our lives. We might call these principles or truths “Life Foundations.”
Here are a few of our “Life Foundations” so that you may know “who we are.”
The Bible – The Bible is God’s Word. It is True. It has no error in it. God reveals Himself in it. The Bible is our “instruction manual” for life. All we believe about Life and all God has designed for it can be found in the Bible.
God – There is only one true and living God (yet, He reveals Himself in 3 distinct personalities: Father, Son and Holy Spirit). He is our Creator. He loves His creation. Our ultimate purpose is to live for Him. The Life He desires for us is sourced in a close relationship with Him.
Our Relationship with God – God loves us deeply and desires an intimate relationship with each of us. He desires for us to experience an abundant life. However, because of sin in our human nature, our relationship with God is broken at birth. Each of us needs help restoring our relationship with God. Yet, we need God’s help to do so.
Jesus – Jesus is God. He is also God’s Son. He lived a perfect life on Earth for 30+ years. It was God’s (The Father) plan that Jesus should die so His creation could have life…abundant life…eternal life…as a result of having our sins forgiven and our relationship restored with God. Anyone who genuinely believes in Jesus becomes a child of God and is able to experience the full life God offers. His “Life by Design.”
Holy Spirit – The Holy Spirit is God. All who believe in Jesus receive the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit lives inside us. He guides, instructs, convicts, encourages, enables, empowers, and much more. Him being “fully alive” in us is essential to living the abundant life Jesus promised to those who follow Him.
The Hope of Heaven – Jesus will return one day to “claim” His children (living and dead). All who have a relationship with God by believing in Jesus will live forever with Him in Heaven. God will reward His people in Heaven for the lives they lived on Earth.