Intentional Gratitude

Gratitude in life must be cultivated. Formed into a habit. We must make a choice to be grateful. We must have intentional gratitude.

Why do I say this? Because God gives a command (actually many) in His Word to “Be thankful” (Colossians 3:15 ESV). Eugene Peterson translates this Word of God as “Cultivate Thankfulness” (Colossians 3:15 in The Message Bible). It doesn’t “just happen.” It is not simply “a result” or “a fruit” of maturity or growing up. There is an intentional part we must play. We must choose to be grateful. We must choose to give thanks.

We must choose to be grateful. We must choose to give thanks. It doesn't just happen. Share on X

I recently read “Choosing Gratitude” by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. I highly recommend her book. I found it very practical and very helpful when it comes to the benefits of being grateful and how to practice “intentional gratitude” in everyday life.

What a difference gratitude makes in life. So, how are you intentionally choosing gratitude in your day today?

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