Ever feel like you don’t know what to do or which way to go in life or work?
Feel clueless?
Check out John 21:1-14. I think you’ll be encouraged.
This is a great story in the life of Jesus and his trainees….and I think offers a little hope for those of us who feel clueless at times…and wonder if we will ever contribute anything to the world.
The stories of Jesus (The Gospels) show that He invested many days and weeks with these guys as His future leaders or future “go to” point people. He had envisioned them, mentored them, modeled for them, discipled them, trained them, entrusted them with large responsibilities…and everything else you can do with your future leaders.
The Bible says “they left their nets immediately and followed Jesus” when He “recruited” them (Matthew 4:20). Yet, here they were again “with their nets” fishing after their “training period.” What happened?
Were they out for a relaxing day of fishing, trying to “replenish” themselves after a “long day at the office.” Could be. Maybe they were “earning a buck” to pay for their ministry. Maybe. But I’m inclined to think they might have been a little confused, discouraged, disillusioned…maybe even a little clueless…based on their excitement and “change of course” when Jesus “revealed” Himself to them.
You see, a lot had happened in 3 years…Jesus was with them…and then He wasn’t (He was killed and in the grave for 3 days)…then He was (for 40 days)…but He was going away again…what was going on? Anyone in the story at that time might have felt like they did…confused, dazed, wondering what was going on…clueless…
Been there? Not knowing what to do….or which way to go? I have!
But here’s the good news. Even in their cluelessness, God would use them in phenomenal ways. We can read their story in the Book of Acts in the Bible. They were used by God to the extent that they were given credit for “turning the world upside down” (Acts 17:6). Amazing!
A bunch of rag tag, clueless fishermen turning the world upside down (along with a few others)!
Hmm…maybe there’s hope for me…and you…
I encourage you (and me) to let God be God…even in our cluelessness…our mess…our lack of understanding. He’s a good God…a Big God…and does some pretty incredible things with and through us…in spite of us!!!!
Will you let Him be God in your life today? He might just use you to turn the world upside down!!!