I often have a thought or idea I think can help others. I want so badly to write about it…to get it “out there”…but time and energy limits, other desires, project deadlines, etc. land me in places other than writing.

Then I read a book and think “Wow, people should know about this book. This could really help some folks.”

I read two such books this weekend that had this affect. Live Uncaged by Mary DeMuth and The God Who Sees You by Tammy Maltby.

Both were free Kindle downloads when I downloaded them (They no longer are free; but there are many other great books that are free or greatly reduced in cost.). Both books have been very helpful and the only costs were the time, energy and effort to read, reflect and apply what is helpful.

So, how do you find “free” offers like this? One source is LifeVerse Books. Every day, I get an email that informs me of Free and Discounted books. I have downloaded dozens of books….most of them free. You can sign up for this same service here.

Hope your life is as enriched and blessed by this service and these books as mine has been. Help is Near. We just have to look a little bit to find it!

Where do you find services like this that are a great help to you?

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