Helen Keller said “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” 

Even more challenging is having sight, but not being able to see (or perceive or understand). 

The Bible teaches that Christians (Genuine Christians) see things others are not able to see (perceive, understand).

I call it having an “Eternal Perspective” or “Eternal Eyes.” Seeing things from God’s angle…seeing things the way God sees things…seeing through His eyes (or His thinking).

There is a great story in the Bible about Jesus walking with two men and them not recognizing Him. They had seen Him before. They knew Him. But this time, they didn’t. What gives?

For the whole story, check out Luke 24:13-35; but for now, let’s focus on three verses that are a bit odd…and quite “revealing”… (couldn’t resist!)

Verses 15-16

“As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; but they were kept from recognizing him.”


Verse 31

“Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him…”


Both times, they had sight. One time, they could not see…the other time, they could. 

Why? What was the difference?

God given sight! Eternal Eyes. God had given them the ability to see that which they could not before. 

This episode doesn’t stand alone.

There are countless other passages in the Bible that talk about this dynamic of “Eternal Eyes.” For further reflection, chase down passages like Matthew 13:10-15, Mark 4:10-12, Luke 9:45, 18:34, 19:42, 24:45, John 12:37-40, 1 Corinthians 2:6-16, 2 Corinthians 3:12-18, 4:4, Ephesians 1:18-19…just to name a few (sorry…maybe more than a few :)) from the New Testament. 

Christian…Genuine Christian who is living for Jesus that is…you see things non-Christians don’t. You have a capacity they don’t. You perceive and understand things non-Christian’s don’t. It is God given. It is a blessing. A privilege. But also a responsibility. Use your “Eternal Eyes” to bless others and help others see. Help them see and know the One who gives sight.

For those who are not Christians, the only way to see…perceive…understand…these eternal dynamics and realities…the only way to have “Eternal Eyes”…is through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. You can learn more about that here.

One word of warning for genuine Christians – be careful comparing your life and work with those who don’t have God given “Eternal Eyes.” You simply see, perceive and understand things they aren’t capable of. Eternal Living…Eternal Seeing…has radically different dynamics and realities than “temporal/earthly/worldly” living. Leverage the sight God has given you to live that Life by Design He desires for you.

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