Blogging takes time and energy. Learning the technical side of blogging like Bluehost and WordPress, takes time and energy. Writing takes time and energy. So why do it?
Here are 7 reasons why I blog:
- To Obey – I believe God has led me to do it (my ultimate, bottom line reason for doing anything in my life).
- To Contribute – I want to make a contribution. I don’t only want to consume. I want to create and contribute. I believe everyone has something to contribute…knowledge, experiences, thoughts. I want to make my contribution to the world.
- To Help Others – I don’t only want to receive, I want to give. I want to serve. To help. I hope my contribution will somehow help someone some where.
- To Learn – People have different perspectives, experiences and thoughts about life. I have learned much from others. And want to continue doing so. I look forward to learning from you and others when comments are made. Your thoughts and ideas will make me a better person…and in turn enable me to help others become better people.
- To Live in Community – The blogging community is a family. People loving people. People helping people. Giving advice. Sharpening each other. Blessing others. Being Blessed. I want to be a part of that!
- To Clarify and Refine My Thinking – Chuck Swindoll once said “You don’t truly understand what you think until you can write it down.” Writing is helping improve my thinking. I want to get better. Even writing this now is helping me think clearer.
- To Sharpen My Communication Skills – I want to become a better communicator. A better writer. I want to share my passion, thoughts and ideas…and I want to do it in a way that others find enjoyable and beneficial. This platform will help me do that.
So, these are just a few reasons why I write in this space and participate in blogging. How about you?
By One of the Authors at Life by Design