Blogging takes time and energy. Learning the technical side of blogging like Bluehost and WordPress, takes time and energy. Writing takes time and energy. So why do it?

Here are 7 reasons why I blog:

  1. To Obey – I believe God has led me to do it (my ultimate, bottom line reason for doing anything in my life).
  2. To Contribute – I want to make a contribution. I don’t only want to consume. I want to create and contribute. I believe everyone has something to contribute…knowledge, experiences, thoughts. I want to make my contribution to the world.
  3. To Help Others – I don’t only want to receive, I want to give. I want to serve. To help. I hope my contribution will somehow help someone some where.
  4. To Learn – People have different perspectives, experiences and thoughts about life. I have learned much from others. And want to continue doing so. I look forward to learning from you and others when comments are made. Your thoughts and ideas will make me a better person…and in turn enable me to help others become better people.
  5. To Live in Community – The blogging community is a family. People loving people. People helping people. Giving advice. Sharpening each other. Blessing others. Being Blessed. I want to be a part of that!
  6. To Clarify and Refine My ThinkingChuck Swindoll once said “You don’t truly understand what you think until you can write it down.” Writing is helping improve my thinking. I want to get better. Even writing this now is helping me think clearer.
  7. To Sharpen My Communication Skills – I want to become a better communicator. A better writer. I want to share my passion, thoughts and ideas…and I want to do it in a way that others find enjoyable and beneficial. This platform will help me do that.

So, these are just a few reasons why I write in this space and participate in blogging. How about you?

By One of the Authors at Life by Design

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